computer & gadget help

Let us know how we can help or scroll down to see some of the things we do.

Things we can help with


Whether you need help with a desktop, laptop, Windows, Linux or MacOS.

Phones & Tablets

Phones and Tablets of all types iPhones, Galaxy or other android devices.


Broadband, WiFi, LAN


If your device is running slow or is behaving strangely let us know.


Need some help with how to use your device or software.

new device

Need some advice on what to buy or to supply and install components.


We have a wide experience of computers, from building them, repairing them to the Operating Systems and Applications they run.

phones & tablets

We have a wide experience of Phones and Tablets and can help with any issues.


We can resolve your networking issues whether they be WiFi or Broadband related.